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The Inspiring Journey of Solopreneur Justin Clapp

Interview with solopreneur Justin Clapp

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Justin Clapp, a business, life, and spirit coach based in Dubai and fellow solopreneur. Our conversation was a deep dive into his journey from branding expert to the successful coach he currently is. His insights are inspiring and his advice impactful for anyone on an entrepreneurial path.

From Branding to Coaching

Justin Clapp started his inspiring entrepreneurial journey back in 2008, right after grad school, with a branding agency focused on colleges and schools. "It was just me at the beginning," Justin recalls. "I started working with other solopreneurs and small businesses, and then my big break came when Tufts University reached out for collaboration. That opened doors to other prestigious institutions like Harvard and MIT."

Despite his success, Justin was left unfulfilled and felt drawn to a different calling. "The transition to coaching was organic. It evolved from my own journey and experiences. Initially, I never thought I'd be a coach, but as I progressed, it became clear that this was my true calling."

The Coaching Journey Begins

One of the first challenges Justin faced was shifting from a B2B model to a B2C model. "In my branding business, I pitched big projects to organizations spending other people's money. But in coaching, I was asking individuals to spend their own money. That shift brought up some limiting beliefs for me."

Like many solopreneurs, Justin battled imposter syndrome and doubts about his abilities. "Early on, I charged low rates and sought external validation. Over time, I stepped into my power and owned the value I could create for my clients."

Personal Growth and Business Evolution

For Justin, personal growth has been intertwined with his business journey. "Working with my own coach was transformative. It led me to a path of continuous learning and spiritual growth. This personal development was crucial in aligning my business with my true self."

He emphasizes the importance of energy in business success. "Our personal frequency sets the ceiling for our business. As I grew personally, my business followed. I worked less but earned more, focusing on bigger projects with higher value."

Handling Stress and Maintaining Balance

Justin's approach to stress and work-life balance changed drastically over the years. "I learned to trust the process and let go of control. This detached energy allowed things to unfold more organically while I purposefully focused on my personal growth."

His advice for solopreneurs? "Embrace the journey! Lean into self-compassion and know you're exactly where you need to be. Each challenge you conquer reveals new levels of growth."

The Importance of Clarity and Vision

One key takeaway from our conversation was the importance of clarity and having a vision. "Connect with the deeper motivation behind your business. What impact do you want to create? Get clear on your vision because when you're crystal clear, it's already created on some level. Your job is to bridge the gap between your current reality and that vision."

Justin practices this by creating vision boards and writing detailed descriptions of his ideal day. "These practices help me stay aligned with my goals and keep my energy focused on what truly matters."

Overcoming Self-Sabotage

Even with his success, Justin acknowledges that self-sabotage can still creep in. "We all have moments of self-doubt or victim mindset. The difference now is I can recognize it and choose how to respond. I use tools like meditation, journaling, and dialogues with my inner self to re-align and refocus."

Staying Motivated

To stay motivated, Justin revisits his vision and keeps a folder of "love letters" – feedback and notes from clients and workshop participants. "These reminders help pull me out of any funk and reaffirm that I'm on the right path."

Advice for Aspiring Solopreneurs

Justin's advice for those just starting their solopreneur journey is to connect with their deeper why. "What impact do you want to create? Your business is just the vehicle to achieve that. Surround yourself with people who have achieved what you aspire to. Learn from them and stay in environments that challenge and inspire you."

Final Thoughts

Reflecting on his journey, Justin shared, "If today were my last day, I'd want to be remembered as a caring and impactful teacher, guide, and friend. I'd spend my day with loved ones, cherishing every moment."

His parting words to solopreneurs resonate deeply: "If you feel called to journey your own way, there's a reason. Trust that calling, seek advice from those who've walked the path, and always surround yourself with people who lift you higher."

What better way to finish our conversation than this beautiful message? Thank you, Justin!


About the author:

Bouwien Luppes is a CTA-certified Life Coach, PQ Coach™️ , and has decades of firsthand experience building and running her solo businesses, Bo brings a unique blend of heart-centered mindset coaching and mentoring, business know-how, and marketing expertise to aspiring solopreneurs.

More information on Justin Clapp can be found on his website:


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